Home insurance might provide financial protection to you should someone get hurt in your home. For example, a child may visit and break his or her arm on your trampoline. Your home insurance liability coverage may cover the medical bills that child encounters.
What about outside the home? Specifically, what happens if someone gets injured on your sidewalk? There are various instances that can lead to financial loss for homeowners.
Is There Negligence? 
Slip and fall accidents are common on sidewalks. Because most sidewalks are concrete, they tend to shift over time. This can cause a lip in the sidewalk. Tree roots can push upwards on the cement as well. Cracks happen due to the freezing temperatures in some areas. Even wet sidewalks could cause falls.
When there is an unsafe situation present, you could be liable for the losses that others suffer as a result of falling on your sidewalk. It is up to the property owner to properly maintain the sidewalks on their property. That way, they can ensure that anyone who walks on them is able to do so safely.
However, there are limitations. In some situations, it is not possible to make repairs. In others, you may not know the problem exists. It is up to the person who fell to prove that the property owner was negligent in the specific instances. It is important to prove that the owner was aware that the sidewalk was unreasonably unsafe.
Will Your Home Insurance Help You?
If you have home insurance, it will have a general liability clause in it. This clause helps protect the homeowner should someone get hurt on his or her property. This generally will include the sidewalk. Unless the sidewalk’s condition is very poor due to improper upkeep, your home insurance will likely cover it.
However, you should not assume this is the case. Talk to your home insurance agent to discuss the specifics of your situation. Be sure that your home insurance policy offers enough liability insurance. Make sure that the liability coverage extends to the whole property.
Of course, it is also wise to take steps to be sure that your sidewalks are safe. Keep them clear of ice and snow. And, be sure that the concrete is in good condition. If not, place a warning sign on the sidewalk to ensure people do not fall as a result of it.
Matt Roenker Insurance Agency is here to get you the correct policy at the right price. Call us at 757-671-1111 for a free home insurance quote.