Think exotic sports cars have the highest risk of carjacking? You’re not alone! Many people believe that their modest sedan isn’t at risk of being stolen, but this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, carjackers often look for common models of vehicles that are in good condition so they can be sold to chop shops for their interchangeable parts.
In addition to vehicles in good shape, car thieves also keep an eye out for easy targets. The easier and faster a car is to steal, the greater the chances of them getting away with the heist. So, the key to protecting your car from theft is essentially to be less negligent. With a bit more thought each time you get behind the wheel, you can enhance your vehicle’s safety and reduce the risk of car theft. Use the following tips to help make your car a less desirable target for carjackers.

- Stay alert in regards to your surroundings. If you feel uncomfortable about a certain area, find somewhere that looks safer to park. You should always leave your car in an area that’s well-lit and populated.
- Before walking away from your car, make sure all valuables are out of plain sight. Stash your iPod, cell phone, purse and other items in the glove box and/or trunk to prevent thieves from breaking into your car to profit off your belongings.
- When parking, always close the windows and lock your vehicle, even if you’ll only be away for a few minutes. Set the alarm if your car is equipped with one. If you feel the need for extra protection, you can invest in various other safety features like wheel locks and Lojack tracking systems.
- Refrain from stepping away from your car while it’s running. Similarly, do not leave an extra key inside your car or taped to the underside of the wheel well. This only serves to give thieves easy access. Keep the spare at home or with a loved one.
- Store your registration information in your wallet, rather than your car’s glove box. If your car is stolen one day, the lack of registration papers makes it more difficult to sell the vehicle.
- Another option is to etch the car’s VIN (vehicle identification number, which is found on the car’s dashboard) on each of the windows. With “damaged” glass panels, a thief is less likely to steal your car to sell for parts.
The great thing about boosting your car’s safety is that it not only decreases your risk of experiencing car theft, but it may also qualify you for an auto insurance discount. Ask your agent for details today!
Our goal is to keep you safe. Call Matt Roenker Insurance Agency at 757-671-1111 for more information on Virginia Beach auto insurance.
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